Monday, May 13, 2024

My Journey in IS101-3002

Reflecting on my time in IS101-3002, it's been quite a journey of learning and achievement. The class was packed with assignments, tasks, and blogs, constantly challenging me to do better. Professor Wu's support made all the difference in handling our workload, he is accommodating and cultivates a positive learning environment in his class. 

I was pushed in ways I never expected, but I grew with each challenge. Surprisingly, I managed to complete tasks on time and even earned certificates I never thought possible. Professor Wu’s encouragement played a key role in my success. 

One thing I really appreciated was the bonus quizzes. They helped me test my understanding of the material and reinforced my knowledge. Despite the fast pace and constant reminders on Canvas, every moment in the class was engaging and valuable. 

Looking back, this class wasn't just a requirement—it was a journey of self-discovery. I gained skills, made connections, and developed a passion for the subject. Overall, IS101-3002 has been one of my favorite classes at CSN. Thanks to my Professor and classmates, it has been an unforgettable experience of mine. Here's to our continued growth and success.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Unveiling the Power of Presentation Management

I have been treating PowerPoint like MS Word, sticking to the basics of creating presentations, using templates, inserting slides, and changing its properties. I am pretty guilty of this! But now, it's time to uncover the hidden power of presentation management.

Just as Word offers more than just typing and formatting, PowerPoint has features like Hide Slide and Add Section that are often overlooked. I've used PowerPoint for ages, but only recently discovered the magic of hiding slides in a class. 

So, if you've only been scratching the surface of what PowerPoint can do, brace yourself for a journey of discovery. You might even find yourself laughing at the newfound ability to hide slides.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

From Concatenating Confusion to Excel Confidence

As the end of the semester looms like a dark cloud over my head, my stress levels are soaring higher than the monthly utility bills awaiting payment. Homework assignments and labsims are piling up higher than my pending bills. Amidst the chaos, I stumbled upon a word I never thought I'd encounter: CONCAT. 

In the realm of Excel, where I once navigated solely with arithmetic operators, CONCAT seemed like a foreign concept. IS101 introduced me to this enigmatic term, and for three long weeks, I grappled with its mysteries.

Each attempt to understand the CONCAT felt like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. Frustration and disappointment became my constant companion. But today, a breakthrough emerged from the fog of confusion. 

I finally cracked the code. The "aha" moment struck like lightning, illuminating the path forward. And to my surprise, I effortlessly transitioned from CONCAT to TEXTJOIN, a feat I never thought possible without resorting to Google. CONCAT offers versatility with multiple delimiters, while TEXTJOIN is limited to one, applying it uniformly throughout the formula. 

Relief washed over me like a comforting hug. Now armed with newfound confidence, I'm prepared to take the Excel exam. This journey from confusion to confidence has truly been life changing.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Fun with Fonts

Hey there, font enthusiasts! Let's talk about something that might seem small but can make a big impact: fonts! 

So, before I dive into the nitty-gritty of fonts, let me confess something: I used to be a bit clueless about them. 😅 Yup, you could say I was "font-challenged" before I enrolled in IS101. But hey, we all start somewhere, right? 

Now, let's get into it. My go-to font of choice used to be Script. Why? Because it's fancy, period. Those elegant loops and swishes just speak to me. Whether I'm crafting an email or whipping up a PowerPoint presentation, you can bet your bottom dollar that Script is making an appearance. 

After years of sticking with Script, I finally decided to switch things up. That's when I stumbled upon Century Gothic, a real hidden gem. It's sleek, modern, and ideal for formal presentations or impressing suppliers with a sharp letter. And here's the kicker: just increase the font size a bit, and voila! You've got yourself a report that's easy on the eye. 

But let's not stop there. Word boasts a goldmine of fonts just waiting to be explored. From classic to quirky, there's something for every occasion. And here's the kicker: choosing the right font isn't just about aesthetics. It's also about making sure your message gets across loud and clear. After all, readability and design go hand in hand. 

So, whether you're a font newbie like me or a seasoned typeface aficionado, take some time to play around with different fonts. Who knows? You might just find your new favorite. And hey, if you ever need a font recommendation, you know who to ask. 😉

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Power of Microsoft Word: Format Imaging

Have you ever been trapped in the routine of juggling multiple applications for a simple task? I know the feeling, but that changed when I stumbled upon Chapter 3.5.1, Format Imaging in Microsoft Word. It's quite impressive!

For so many years I had been accustomed to the tedious process of editing images in Adobe Photoshop before inserting them into my word documents. Cropping, color adjustments, resizing – you name it, Photoshop was my go-to solution. I was unaware that Microsoft Word had been utilizing a multitude of image formatting tools all along. With a few clicks and tweaks, I could achieve the same results right within the familiar interface of Word. The convenience was staggering, and the time saved was immeasurable. No longer did I need to juggle between multiple applications, wasting precious minutes on tasks that could now be effortlessly completed within Word itself. It was a game-changer, to say the least.

So, next time you are wrestling with image editing, remember: Microsoft Word got your back! Say goodbye to the hassle of switching between programs and hello to streamlined productivity. Believe me, it’s a complete game changer!

Monday, February 26, 2024

The Evolution of File Storage: From Floppy Disks to USB Drives

High school memories often remind me of the introduction of computers into our lives. Among the frustrations and discoveries, one constant was the trusty floppy disk, our primary file storage solution. Three decades later, it's remarkable to see how file storage technology has evolved.  

In the early days, floppy disks, with 1.44 MB capacity, were our go-to for storing files. We relied on these magnetic wonders for documents and basic graphics, mindful of their fragility and the need for backups.  

Advancing technology demanded more storage. ZIP drives and CD-ROMs offered greater capacity and speed, revolutionizing file storage capabilities.  

Today, USB drives reign supreme. With gigabytes of storage in a pocket-sized device, they've transformed file storage into a portable, convenient experience. Imagine a 4 GB USB drive equals 4,000 floppy disks. It is a testament to the advancements made in storage technology.  

As we celebrate past innovations, we anticipate future advancements. The evolution of file storage is a testament to human ingenuity. From floppy disks to USB drives, our journey through file storage technology reflects our relentless pursuit of progress. As we embrace the future, let us remember the humble beginnings that paved the way for today's innovations.

Friday, February 2, 2024

CC and BCC

For more than a decade. I have used emails without fully grasping the significance of CC and BCC. It only became clear when I explored the email etiquette section 1.3.10 in IS101. 

My first encounter with BCC was during a seemingly innocent letter preparation for all our clients. In my usual routine, I diligently carbon copy my partners on the email. However, my partner corrected my approach, advising me to BCC her instead. Being the obedient soul that I am, I complied without fully grasping the significance.

As I reflect on this, I find myself pondering the why behind her preference for a blind carbon copy. After all, she's involved in every email I send, so why the need for secrecy?

If I could turn back time, I would eagerly explain to my partner the difference of CC and BCC based on the golden principle of email etiquette. So, here's my digital plea: Let's all embrace the power of CC and BCC wisely in our email endeavors. May this newfound knowledge foster more effective and respectful digital communication.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Organizing my Academic Journey: A Guide to Sorting Emails from Bookstores and Study Apps

In today's digital age, managing and organizing emails has become a crucial skill, especially for students. This blog aims to guide you through the process of efficiently sorting emails from bookstores and online study applications.

1. I created another folder named BOOKS with subfolder 2024, which can help me quickly  locate purchase receipts, shipping confirmations, and any promotional offers related to academic materials. Some suggested folder names include "Bookstore Purchases," "Shipping Confirmations," and "Promotions."

2. I add rules in  my email account that all emails coming from;;; will automatically move to BOOKS. 

3. I created subfolder 2024 in book folder so I can organize all succeeding emails from the abovementioned accounts while I am studying here in CSN. 

4. To uphold an orderly email system, I commit to regularly clearing and deleting unnecessary emails within that folder every quarter. This practice will enable me to concentrate solely on the vital information pertinent to my ongoing semester.

By implementing these steps, I can streamline my email management process and stay organized throughout my academic journey. Whether awaiting textbook deliveries or exploring new study materials online, having a well-organized email system ensures me that I never miss crucial information. Take control of my inbox will make my academic experience more efficient and enjoyable.